
Gemhammer Grimoire

Created by Gemhammer Games

Spells and Spell Cards for 5th Edition. Over 100 new spells and more, better stuff for divine and arcane spellcasters.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

House Keeping And Some Thoughts Going Into The New Year.
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 07:24:51 PM

Happy New Year Wonderful Internet People,

We did it everyone, we're just about complete on this project, and only 6-ish months later than we expected. (You cant hear it but I'm sighing heavily even as I type this.) Today we're beginning the process of cleaning up and closing out this project as we look forward to new projects going into 2021. Some of you have yet to fill out your surveys and have not responded to our numerous emails. We will be closing out those orders and refunding them if they have any credit left on the account. If your order is refunded in this way and you're still interested in purchasing the Grimoire, then you can find all of our products available on our website

A few of you still have packages that have yet to arrive. We've reched out ot several of you about this. If your package still hasn't arrived please let us know so we can look into whats holding your package up.

New Year, New Deck

As we've previously mentioned, we'll be crowdfunding a new randomized dungeon crawl deck called the Deck of Dynamic Dungeons here on Kickstarter in the new year. We'll have some great deals for those who back the project early, and as promised we'll be giving all of you a sneak peak at those rewards before the project goes live. We're also partnering with a few others to add a little extra something to the project. I can't say too much just yet, but stay tuned for more.



Gemhammer is a small company run by three people and a handful of contributors. I don't want to get into everyone's personal struggles here on the team, but the last year has been extremely difficult for us, as we know it has for everyone. For myself, I worked diligently through the pandemic to get my day job moved into a virtual space, only for them to let me go shortly after. Meanwhile, I'm in the process of finishing my graduate degree and raise a 3 year old who doesn't understand why he can't play with the kids next door. I know you all have had your own struggles to deal with, and there are many people in a worse situation than mine. It isn't my goal to illicit sympathy, but with everything going on personally and professionally it would have been all too easy for us to release the Grimoire in a less than perfect state and move on. In spite of the delays we experienced, we made a commitment to make the best version of the Grimoire we could. I'm very proud to say that, in our eyes, we accomplished just that.

I'm very thankful to all of you for supporting Gemhammer and for your understanding as we've worked through the global crisis to bring you our first hardcover sourcebook. Here at Gemhammer we've had to pivot in a lot of ways we didn't anticipate. In some ways we did so successfully, in other ways we fell short. However, we're very optimistic about the new year and we're excited to continue providing you with much More Better Game Stuff than ever before. We have a great group of people working behind the scenes developing some great new content, and if you enjoyed the Grimoire and what we have to offer, then we think you're gonna love what we have coming down the road. Thank you all again for your support.

Happy Gaming,

Conor Napier

Co-Founder Gemhammer and Sons Gaming

Shipping- Complete!!!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 08, 2020 at 09:48:55 PM

Good Evening Wonderful Internet People,

I’m happy to report that all orders have been packaged and shipped. Just to double check I resent tracking numbers out to all of you. Barring any returns due to undeliverable packages, incomplete or incorrect addresses, etc; I expect that the last of the orders have been shipped, including preorders and all of the orders are complete!

With some exceptions...

19 of you still have not filled out your surveys or your credit cards were declined for add-ons. I am unable to process these orders as I do not have shipping addresses or you have not paid for all of your items.

We’ve sent repeated emails to those folks, but have been unable to contact them. So if you still have not received your tracking information/your package, then please reach out to us as soon as possible so we can get you sorted (check your email and filters first please).

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us ASAP, as we will be marking the orders as complete on Kickstarter this week.

Thanks again to all of you for your support. We’ll have an update about our next project, which we will be sure to share with all of you soon. Thanks again!!!!


Shipping: The Quest Continues
over 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:33:45 AM

Good Evening Wonderful Internet People,

As we previously updated we were waiting on more supplies to come in before we could continue shipping. Those supplies are now in and shipping back in full swing. Expect to see more orders on their way soon. Those of you who are waiting for a reship, can expect to see your orders soon.

We’ll also have an update this week on holiday specials and new projects for the new year. Thanks again to everyone for your patience.


Shipping (Quick Update)
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 05:20:46 PM

Good Morning Wonderful Internet People!

We just wanted to let you know that we're experiencing a delay in our order of shipping materials, so some of the preorders and orders with dice and cards are being delayed. The order is now set to arrive on Monday, so we'll continue with the shipping when it arrives. Let us know if you have any questions, thanks!

Shipping Updates: Round One! FIGHT
over 3 years ago – Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 09:41:14 PM

Good Afternoon Wonderful Internet People!

Today I just wanted to deliver a quick update on shipping, as well as the status of preorders on our site. 

Shipping: Round One

Our first round of shipping is complete which included 85% of the orders, which are now on their way to you! 

The second round of shipping will include orders receiving higher tier rewards such as the Lapis Dice or the Leather Bags. Those orders are being shipped from our home office, so they're taking a bit longer to get out than those leaving the fulfillment center. 

The third round of shipping will include the preorders, and those orders that have still not completed their backer surveys. 

Speaking of which...

IF you have not completed your survey, or had a credit card declined, your order is on hold and will not be fulfilled until you reach out to us. If you have not yet received a tracking number, please double check that your order is not among these by logging into backer kit and checking the status of your order. 

Additionally, some of you also had an error where if you only had digital rewards and later purchased an add-on, you were excluded from the shipping due to you not needing a shipping address to complete your survey. 

Emails have been sent regarding these issue so please double check your spam box or email filters to ensure that your order is not among them. 

Finally, some of you may have experienced an error with your tracking numbers where they did not show up on DHL Express. Please make sure that you are tracking your package via the link below. If you are still experiencing issues, please reach out to us directly at [email protected]

DHL Tracking


As most of the orders have been shipped out, and the remaining orders will either be going out or addressed in the next week, we've decided to end the preorders on the Grimoire book and spell cards this week. The Gemhammer Grimoire and the spell cards will become available for purchase on our site this Wednesday. If you're interested in purchasing additional decks or books, please reach out to us before then. Otherwise, you'll be able to purchase them from our site when the preorder closes. 

Retail Partnerships

With preorders ending, and our books now appearing in the friendly local game stores that helped support the kickstarter, Gemhammer is looking to connect with other friendly local game stores who would be interested in carrying our products. If you love our products and would like to give us a helping hand, please forward the link below to your friendly local game store and let them know that we're interested in providing them with the More Better Game Stuff you know and love.

Gemhammer Retail Inquiries 


As the Gemhammer Grimoire comes to a close, we're excited to hear stories from all of you about all the wonderful things that our book of magical mysteries brings to your game table. This was our first foray into the world of hardcover books, and it's by far our largest collection of content. We learned a lot and it gave us a chance to finally put pen to paper on some of the lore we've been developing for our world. We're excited and humbled by the support we received on this project, and we'll be returning to explore the lore and magical wonders in the world of Aardehn before you know it. 

That's all for today. I'll be updating again soon with news on the remaining shipping, some new live streams we're planning, and also a sneak peak at our next project, the Deck of Dynamic Dungeons. Thanks for all your support! If you have any questions, please let us know by reaching out to us directly, or by commenting below. Thanks again everyone.

-Conor Napier